Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blogger test

Who wants to listen to the rants and raves of crazy person? As I read other bogs I thought wow my crazy is nowhere near the crazy of Internet. Got to love the net yall.

In this politically charged world we are in we have become so closed-minded to any idea that is not our own that we can no longer have discussions without it turning into a name calling frenzy. It is a sad day when in the land of free speech the only speech that matters is mine and not yours.
Maybe the economy is causing the crazies to come out since speaking is free and won't cost you anything so people talk and write endlessly. Not only have some points been beaten to death but they get revived beaten again.

We used to be a country of solutions. Does anyone have any solutions that affect the whole and not a limited number of people? Have we gotten so far away from you are my neighbor to this “us vs. them” mentality?